The Resilient Mindset – 7 Methods & Quotes to Keep You Motivated in Times of Uncertainty
In 2020, we are facing an unprecedented period of uncertainty. The spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted every corner of the globe in the form of financial hardship, career and business declines, relationship stress, family breakdowns, and a decline in people’s mental and physical wellbeing.
History suggests that predicting economic downturns, global conflicts, and viral pandemics can often be impossible. The same can be said for unforeseen challenges in our personal lives. How we handle these hardships and challenges will allow us to bounce back and overcome the setbacks in the most effective way possible.
Resilience and possessing a resilient mindset is not a trait that people are born with; Cambridge dictionary described as a set of “behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed” in any individual or organisation.
Here are 7 methods and recommendations to develop your resilience and to strengthen your resilient mindset:
1) Stay strong.
Resilient people and organizations are able to accept the reality of their situation no matter how hard that may be. They are then able to overcome their challenges through an adaptive and positive mindset. The more difficult the scenario, the stronger they will become.
- Key words to remember: adaptable and flexible
2) I get knocked down, I get up again.
Resilient people and organisations understand that failure is not about the act of falling down, rather it is the ability to get up again. They have the tenacity to never quit, as each time they are knocked down they become less afraid for the next setback. Bouncing back becomes easier and quicker with each instance as well.
- Key word to remember: persistence and perseverance
3) Continuous growth is key.
Life does not get easier or more forgiving. With every negative event encountered, we grow stronger and become more resilient. Resilient people and organisations know that facing difficulties is inevitable, but choosing to learn from them is optional. Resilient individuals know that without hardship, resilience can’t be built and without practicing resilience, we can’t grow. A downturn is also the perfect opportunity for your company to refine your product offering, reposition your messaging, or to strengthen your brand and you will leapfrog your competition when the crisis is over.
- Key words to remember: learning and evolving
Resilience through growth
4) Plan for the future.
Resilient people and organisations seek solutions to problems rather than becoming paralyzed by pessimism. In the face of temporary setbacks, they do not lose sight of their long-term goals and they are able to adapt their plans accordingly to fit with the current situation. Being prepared for all situations is vital for success.
- Key words to remember: planning and preparation
5) Be kind to others.
Even in the toughest of times, resilient people and organisations show care for others because kindness and compassion is the ultimate demonstration of our core values, and to be selfless is the best method of discovering your own inner strength.
- Key words to remember: supportive and empathetic
6) Create a support network.
Resilient people and organisations maintain strong and supportive relationships, both personal and professional. It is hard to navigate through a crisis alone, so having a caring and invested support system is essential. We will get through this together.
- Key words to remember: building relationships that last
7) Remember, this too shall pass.
This is my second experience of a global crisis. The first was in 2007-08 when I was working as a Product Marketing Manager for a large wealth management company where we were building new products during the worst financial crisis since the 1930s Great Depression. My team and I kept our heads down, worked hard, remained positive, and built resiliency. I spent four years in the role, so I had ample opportunity to practice and strengthen my resilient mindset. The economy eventually recovered, and years later, we are now in the middle of another global crisis. Despite sometimes appearing like freak occurrences, these crises are often part of the business cycle, so it is crucial that you develop a resilient mindset in order to combat them whenever they may arise throughout your working career. “Control what you can, manage what you can’t”, is a mantra I like to live by and it never has it been more applicable than now.
Resilience Quotes
During times of difficulty, I have been inspired and motivated by the quotes below from the best world’s leaders and thinkers:
1. “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” - Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa.
2. “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” - Maya Angelou, American poet and author.
3. “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
4. “Turn your wounds into wisdom” – Oprah Winfrey, media executive & philanthropist.
5. "If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not." – Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.
6. “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And this is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan, NBA basketball superstar.
7. "It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others." - Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhist Monk.
As the world continues to present new adversities and challenges; mastering resilience and possessing a resilient mindset will not only help us to cope and withstand stress and uncertainty, but it will allow us to learn, grow and thrive, and ultimately emerging stronger on the other side. Good luck and stay safe and healthy in this most difficult period.
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