



At Forestlyn we are pursuing a vision beyond great marketing results. We are passionate about fostering the future of emerging technology and creating a global community that experiences widespread benefits from innovation. Emerging technology like blockchain and AI are going to revolutionise the way we live, work and play. That’s why we are invested in the education of the wider community so that everyone can reap the benefits of innovation. We de-jargon complex technology concepts to create accessible workshops on topics such as innovation marketing, blockchain, artificial intelligence and more. Whether you are a corporate professional, salesperson, marketing expert, potential customer or a curious mind, we offer foundational workshops to better understand these technologies. Forestlyn also offers tailored workshops for specific industries to educate professionals about how new technology will affect your business. Get in contact with us today to build a tailored educational workshop for your interest. Book a complimentary consultation here.

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innovation marketing workshops

Innovation is a matter of competitive survival. Our innovation marketing workshops will teach you industry best practices involved in the idea generation process all the way to the product/service launch and evaluation of results. Ideal for both innovation and/or marketing teams

Emerging technologies workshops

With so many new technologies being developed every year it can be difficult to decide which have the most potential for your business. Let us demonstrate which emerging technologies can help your business gain a competitive advantage

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Blockchain beginners workshop

Blockchain is set to revolutionise the way in which every industry will function and operate. Our blockchain beginners workshop will provide you with a detailed understanding of how blockchain will affect and impact your business operations and the potential to gain competitive industry advantage

AI beginners workshop

It’s impossible to avoid the ever-growing presence of AI. We’re here to show you how you can utilise AI to optimise your business functions, processes and tools to use increasing customer attention, engagement and loyalty


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Smart cities & iot (internet of things) beginners workshops

IoT has been helping businesses improve their productivity over the last decade. IoT is also used to develop smart cities, create sustainable energy management systems and build better societies. Let us show you how smart cities and IoT can help and impact your business and industry

Global Marketing Workshop

Technology has created an interconnected world where localised marketplaces no longer exist. From day one your business needs to consider your international audience and competitors. To succeed as a global business it is important to understand international policies and cultural differences between audience personas. Get to know how to navigate the worldwide marketing landscape by attending one of our global marketing workshops.

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