How To Get Digital Dinosaurs To Take Up New Innovations

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First, there was the Stone Age, then the Bronze Age, followed by the Iron Age. Fast forward to 2019 and you’ll find that we are in the exciting midst of the Information Age. This period is characterised by a rapid shift from the reliance on the traditional industries of the Industrial Revolution to new information technologies. There’s a buzz around blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G for the way they are changing the way we live, the way we interact with each other, the way we do business, the way we travel, and the way we play. Coming to fruition in the 1970s, the digital era has exploded into almost every facet of our lives and continues to do so as new technologies come onto the scene. We can see just how fast technology is evolving with Apple releasing a new iPhone every year that has a multitude of new functions, leaving all previous models virtually redundant. The amount of technical information is doubling every two years, which means for students starting a four-year degree in technology, half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study (Orleans Marketing). These new innovations have the potential to improve global relations, lower carbon emissions, and bolster democracy, but this can only occur if the technology is allowed to do its part. What’s stopping it? Two words: Digital Dinosaurs. 


The relative infancy of the Information Age in being less than fifty years old means we are in the height of the transitional phase. If you look around, you will see digital dinosaurs everywhere. These are not only individuals but are also entire industries. Dead giveaways include the use of pen and paper and stacks of binder folders with years worth of data on dusty office shelves. You know the ones! So then the question is: with the unprecedented efficiency offered by new technology, why are these digital dinosaurs so stubborn in making the shift? 



The older generations among us, who are traditionally known for being wise and all-knowing with their years of experience, have been doing things their way for a long time now. Since the Information Age only sprung to life in the 1970s, there is an ongoing conflict between the digital natives and the digital dinosaurs about who knows best. We’ve found that industries such as hospitality, oil & gas, automotive, healthcare, and construction are the most averse to change, clinging onto paper, checklists and binders. They are sticking by the old mantra of ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ while we are experimenting with new technology knowing that just because it isn’t broken doesn’t mean it can’t be better. Often, even if these digital dinosaurs can see the benefits of new technology, they view the cost and effort involved in installing a new system as being too difficult. But if these digital dinosaurs fail to innovate, they risk taking their companies into extinction. 


Nokia is one example of a company that was crippled by its digital dinosaurs. It was the first company in the world to create a cellular network, but then what happened? While companies like Apple and Google explored the unknown by experimenting with smartphone capabilities, Nokia rested on its laurels in the fear of alienating their current users familiar with text and voice. They remained rigid in their ways by rejecting the possibility of leading a change in user experience. By the time Apple launched the iPhone in 2007, it was too late for Nokia to make a comeback. The company tried to compete with Android in 2008, but the brand was already perceived as redundant against its innovative competitors (The New Yorker). Not only can digital dinosaurs hinder company growth, but failure to accept and adapt to new technology also prevents innovations from benefiting wider society. If new technology is being rejected in major industries, how can growth and improvement take place? 

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The way to bridge the gap between digital dinosaurs and emerging technology is through education and understanding. At Forestlyn, we are marketing experts who specialise in emerging technology such as blockchain and artificial intelligence. Here are some tips to help you turn digital dinosaurs into digital natives:

  1. Simplify your marketing message so your complex technology offering can be understood by even the most archaic digital dinosaurs.

  2. Use marketing, communications, and education to gain trust. The cutting-edge nature of emerging technology means it lacks the longstanding track record that gives credibility to other industries. Show your audience that you are industry experts.

  3. Commit to delivering quality content to your audience through blog posts, white papers, videos, testimonials, webinars, brochures, and podcasts to show them that you know what you’re talking about and can be a trusted industry voice. 

Changing the entire perception and behaviours of digital dinosaurs who have been using the same methods for decades will not happen overnight, but it is possible. We know it’s possible because we have done it ourselves by forging the innovation marketing category against traditional marketing consultancies. Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a start-up CEO, we offer custom-made marketing strategies and deliver full implementation to take your products/services out to market. If you’re a technology company that wants to achieve widespread market adoption, we can help you break through to the digital dinosaurs. Contact us today to book your free consultation here. 


We are technology marketing experts with a passion for innovation. With a deep understanding of the emerging technologies space, we create your marketing strategies and de-jargon your communications to help you bridge the gap between the early adopters and the mainstream audience. Whether you are a corporate organisation, small-medium size business or startup, we formulate high growth tactics for outsourced marketing, strategic direction, marketing implementation, and educational workshops.  

Talk to us today to find out more about how we can help you. Book a consultation here.